Our Brands
Looking for our mascot Biscuit the corgi? Find the vectors here!
Open Source Design Systems
The FIlecoin Foundation creates and maintains open branding systems to be used by and for the benefit of the Filecoin community. Details of these can be found below.
A FIL City events are unique experiences that brings the Filecoin Network together in the real world. By integrating our events with the visual culture of each city, it utilizes a versatile branding system that maintains a consistent identity while adapting to reflect the aesthetics and cultural elements of the city hosting the event.
The Filecoin Orbit brand is a dynamic system designed for the decentralized universe of our community and events. This adaptable, decentralized, and open-source design matrix mirrors the far-reaching and inclusive nature of the Filecoin Orbit program, which organizes localized communities and events across the globe.